Back to School Shopping : Mall Security


Back to School!  Every parent’s nightmare as parents prepare for the opening of schools in a few days’ time.


The checklist has been prepared of children's needs for their return to school – be it day or boarding school. With a shopping list on hand, a trip to the Shopping Mall is planned.  Children of all different ages are always excited about going shopping at the Mall.


A Shopping Mall

There are some dangers and security risks that parents need to be on the lookout for.  The figure of the security professional is essential if we take into account the vulnerabilities that occur in a shopping center.


Because Supreme Security Services is a well-established and trusted security company, we have been contracted by most Shopping Malls around the country to keep order and patrol the Malls. 


We have extensive experience of the dangers that can occur at a Mall, more so when parents are shopping for back to school, with children in tow.


Types of common threats to look out for in shopping Malls

 The Thefts

Theft is one of the most serious concerns in these areas. There are numerous valuable products that can be stolen because there are so many retailers, including major supermarkets. Back to School shopping is an extremely busy event and parents need to exercise extreme caution.


Be Security Conscious at Mall Parking Lots

Another point of special vigilance focuses on the parking lot, whether it is inside or inside the Mall. The normal thing is that they are filled with vehicles, and much more, at rush hour. These areas are more vulnerable to theft.  Remember to lock your car and do not leave anything lying around in full view, which might attract thieves.  Be sure to lock everything away safely in the boot of your car.


Lost Children

Children, as we all know, love these commercial locations. However, especially when they are crowded, it is possible that they will go lost in the crowd. When there is a proper and adequate security protocol in place, it is much easier to locate the children for the sake of their parents' peace of mind.  Look out for our Supreme Security Services security guards who are always ready and willing to assist you to look for your lost child at the shopping mall.



For More Security Tips, Solutions and Service,

Do Get in Touch with Supreme Security Services.



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