Benefits of Mobile Security Guard Patrols


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Do you own or manage a commercial structure? Do you have responsibility for the upkeep of a hospital or school? Do you manage a major construction site?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, employing live mobile guard patrols to protect your property is a good idea. Those in charge of commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, construction sites, residential properties, supermarkets/retail centres and malls can profit from mobile guards in a variety of ways.


Even the most advanced technological breakthroughs cannot match the efficiency of a mobile security guard when it comes to security. Are you ready to learn more about the advantages of live guard patrols for your company?


Read on to find out more about the advantages of hiring mobile guard patrols and how to get started with our professional team at Supreme Security Services.

Element of Surprise

By catching criminals off guard, you can create an element of surprise. Live and mobile deployments of security guards who patrol your premises will be mobile, which means they can move up and down your property at different random times or even on a schedule. This is a big benefit for the property owners. For starters, planned patrols guarantee that all sections of your property are regularly monitored. Our Security Guards swiftly familiarise themselves with your property to enable them to quickly and easily see any changes that are cause for alarm and concern.


The element of surprise is added by random patrols. Even if a thief is staking out your property, they won't be able to predict when a random patrol will arrive. 


Security Checks are Regular and Can be Scheduled

It is easy to put safety and security measures aside while you are busy. This can be done for you by our live and mobile guard patrols, ensuring that all of your systems are operational and up to date.


A live guard patrol, for example, could check your entry points on a regular basis to ensure that your gates and locks are in good working order.


They can also spot any flaws that could jeopardize safety and security during an evacuation.  Our guards are trained on what actions to take in case there is a need for an evacuation due to fire, for example.  This is included as part of their training.  They can do regular checks on your equipment - defective fire extinguishers will be checked and you will be advised accordingly.


You can better safeguard your people, property, and assets if you have a dedicated team to maintain and keep a check on these security elements.


The Human Element is Irreplaceable

While security cameras and alarm systems can provide useful information, they cannot prevent a crime from occurring. That is exactly what a live and mobile security guard is supposed to accomplish.


When a security incident occurs, our specialised security guard is usually the first to arrive. Their training and experience have equipped them to deal with a wide range of security issues. They have the tools to defuse tense situations, detain people safely and legally, and communicate effectively with law authorities.


Supreme Security Services security guards are among the most experienced security guards in the business. Our live and mobile guard patrols will act quickly and efficiently to safeguard you and your business in the event of an emergency.


To learn more about how Supreme Security Services may be your trusted security partner, contact our team now for a free quote.


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