Facts that will Make you Stop and Think......



Some companies neglect the need for security guards and fail to hire adequate security for their operations. However, there are numerous advantages to hiring security guard services for your business. There are some characteristics of security guards that should make you reconsider hiring them for your company. We have compiled a list of 5 facts about our security guards that will cause you to reconsider your decision to avoid their services.  These facts below will make you realise just how important security guards are for both your business premises and your home:


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Our guards are trained to respond to situations quickly.  An unforeseen and unexpected incident can occur at any given time and place. Break-ins can happen very quickly and suddenly.   If you do not have adequately trained security guards, you will be unable to respond to any criminal activity in time.

 Supreme Security Services guards, on the other hand, are well trained with an excellent level of fitness to stay awake and attentive at all times.  Their training also makes them able to predict danger before it occurs. 

Honesty and Integrity

Honesty is the best policy - Our guards are honest with a high sense of integrity.  Supreme Security Services guards are honest, loyal and have a high sense of integrity. “Honesty is the best policy”, we say. These traits are instilled in our security guards and you, as a business owner can greatly benefit from the services of a professional guard that you can fully rely on.


Ease and peace of mind will be had when you know that your premises are being guarded by loyal and trustworthy security guards.  Do not leave your valuable assets unprotected – both your business and your home.   


Supreme Security Services guards do not just spend their whole shift patrolling at a commercial location. Our guards could be hired to keep surveillance via video/CCTV, verify credentials at entry points, test employees for alcohol using breathalysers at entry points, etc.


Supreme Security Services guards have a high level of experience and can handle a range of threats and scenarios - whether you require event guards for a festival or guards for VIPs.  Many of our security guards have military experience or experience in dealing with hostile situations and high-risk situations to ensure all potential issues are covered.  Our top security guards will have undergone extensive training to help them obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their tasks.  Hence our security guards are competent and able to deliver any task assigned to them.   


Our security guards can be given explicit responsibilities, such as looking out for shoplifters, patrolling the grounds after hours, and opening or locking up a business at the end of the day. All these duties and responsibilities relieve the homeowner or business owner and staff of a significant amount of security obligation, allowing them more time to focus on other important tasks of running the business.


Allow us at Supreme Security Services to tailor-make your security needs for you, at affordable rates.  Talk to us today!


Get in touch with one of our Sales Executives today to discuss your business and home security needs.

Call us on +263 772 272 677 / 0782 553 295 

Email us at SupremeSecurity@security.com


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